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Unexpected Joy
Unexpected Joy
Unexpected Joy
A Word of Welcome

We'd like to welcome you to our parish website. As you can no doubt guess, it's still in its infancy. It will grow as God wills and as we gain some expertise. We hope that it is a blessing to you.

Why one more website? The first reason is on our home page. It seems that many people who are seeking God have given up on Christianity as a spiritual path.

We'd like to suggest that an encounter with an older, more authentic form of Christianity might be refreshing and envigorating.

Which is not to say that we're saints. Hardly.

But we know where they live.

What is the Christian life like? As with many complex realities (falling in love comes to mind), any simple logical description falls short. Jesus Christ said to His disciples: "My yoke is easy and my burden is light". And He said: "Take up your cross and follow me". He meant both.

This is the life that we at St. Herman's try to live. Christ taught the apostles this way of life, and it has been passed on from their generation to ours, in the Orthodox Church, without any essential change, safe-guarded by Christ's continued presence within His Church. He said: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the earth."

And He meant that, too.

We hope you'll like what you see here. But most of all, we hope that you'll eventually make the trip to an Orthodox church. (Maybe even ours!) After all, an image of a cool mountain stream on a website can look very refreshing - but to get wet you've got to jump into the real thing.

May Jesus Christ show you the Unexpected Joy of His mercy!





Sunday, 27 January / 9 February
Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee
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10:00 Divine Liturgy
Monday, 28 January / 10 February
6:00 Vespers
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