126 Reese St. Lake Odessa/Woodbury, MI 48849
(phone) 616-374-8596

SundaySun MondayMon TuesdayTue WednesdayWed ThursdayThu FridayFri SaturdaySat
Oct 27 (Oct 14)
10:00 Divine Liturgy
Oct 28 (Oct 15)
6:00 Vespers
Oct 29 (Oct 16)
6:00 Vespers
Oct 30 (Oct 17)
6:00 Vespers
Oct 31 (Oct 18)
6:00 Vespers
1 (Oct 19)
St. John of Kronstadt
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Canon for the Departed
Fast: wine & oil
2 (Oct 20)
Soul Saturday (St. Demetrios Saturday)
9:00 Divine Liturgy and/or Pannikhida
5:00 Vigil
3 (Oct 21)
19th Sunday after Pentecost
St. Hilarion of Gaza
10:00 Divine Liturgy
4 (Oct 22)
6:00 Vespers
5 (Oct 23)
Holy Apostle James, the Brother of the Lord
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vespers
6 (Oct 24)
6:00 Vespers
7 (Oct 25)
6:00 Great Vespers w/ litiya
8 (Oct 26)
Great Martyr Demetrios the Myrrh-gusher of Thessalonika
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vespers
Fast: fish, wine, & oil
9 (Oct 27)
5:00 Vigil
10 (Oct 28)
20th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 Divine Liturgy
11 (Oct 29)
6:00 Vespers
12 (Oct 30)
Martyrs Zenobius & Zenobia
6:00 Vespers
13 (Oct 31)
6:00 Vespers
14 (Nov 1)
Unmercenary Healers Cosmas & Damian
6:00 Vespers
15 (Nov 2)
Martyrs Akyndinos & companions (+341)
Bishop  Erc of Slane (+512)
repose of Patriarch Pavle (+2009)
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vespers
Fast: wine & oil
16 (Nov 3)
5:00 Vigil
17 (Nov 4)
21st Sunday after Pentecost
Synaxis of Unmercenary Healers
10:00 Divine Liturgy
18 (Nov 5)
6:00 Vespers
19 (Nov 6)
Memorial Liturgy for Archbishop Peter
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vespers
20 (Nov 7)
6:00 Vigil
21 (Nov 8)
Synaxis of the Archangel Michael & the Bodiless Hosts
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vespers
22 (Nov 9)
6:00 Vespers
23 (Nov 10)
5:00 Vigil
24 (Nov 11)
22nd Sunday after Pentecost
St. Martin the Merciful, of Tours (+397)
All Saints of Decani

10:00 Divine Liturgy
25 (Nov 12)
6:00 Vespers
26 (Nov 13)
St. John Chrysostom
9:00 Divine Liturgy
6:00 Vespers
27 (Nov 14)
Holy Apostle Philip
6:00 Pannikhida for Fr. Lazarus (Moore), Akathist of Thanksgiving
28 (Nov 15)
Thanksgiving Day
Repose of St. Herman of Alaska
10:00 Divine Liturgy
1:00 Dinner
6:00 Vespers
29 (Nov 16)
6:00 Vespers
30 (Nov 17)
5:00 Vigil
Fast: wine & oil

Please check the weekly bulletin and call 616-374-8596 before coming to weekday services, especially during the winter.  To subscribe to the parish bulletin, send an e-mail to Fr. Michael:

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